Magic Mushroom Spore Print Brazil


Brazil Spore Print from the psilocybe cubensis mushroom strain grows very high yields of medium sized mushrooms.

THe Brazil psilocybe cubensis is a true champion when it begins to germinate, it’s fast!

The Brazil magic mushrooms are caramel-colored with small hats. The veil that attaches the hat to the stem is thicker than you would expect from any other South American mushroom.

General information about the Brazil Psilocybe Cubensis strain:

Comment: Fast colonizer, wide stems on the substrate surface, Prolific fruiter

Temperature during colonization: 28 – 30 C

Temperature during cultivation: 22 – 26 C

How to store a mushroom spore print

The mushroom Spore prints are made on sterile foil which is stored in sterile ziplock bag and kept under refrigerated conditions. Store Spore Spore print refrigerated between 2*C-8*C Celsius or 35*F-46*F Fahrenheit. A mushroom Spore print can be stored for years.

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